Monday, July 15, 2013

The thing about people who take pride in something is that once that thing has been take away from them a bit of their heart dies as well.

I've just experienced a bit of my heart washed away with a disastrous storm full of hail, cold winds and scary howls. The wind was loud and banged against our house so hard the cat went into a frenzy, Livvy jumped into our bed within a flash. The lights in the house were flickering and for a short second I thought to myself..if we died at this moment I need to tell my family I love them. So I did ..and Gareth of course gave me a strange look as if to say what is wrong with you woman telling me you love me at a time like this. Livvy of course responded with 'always' (her usual response when I tell her I love her)

Then the hail came banging at all the windows so hard we were afraid they might break and at that second the first thing we thought of was our beloved car sitting out side. Gareth ran outside no shoes and still in his pyjamas.. Wind blaring dust and leaves everywhere. Trees were bending over..all to bring the car into the garage. He then with his quick thinking closed all the shutters over the windows to prevent a possible break. We all then climbed back into our bed and waited the storm out..which was quick thank God....When it was all over  you could tell the entire street was in a frenzy as we all stepped outside  (everyone still in pyjamas..which is a big no no in Italy) everyone took inventory and had a glance at their houses, gardens the street. Minutes later things were back to normal with cars driving down the road and voice of people walking outside.  I heard my neighbours voices all checking to see if everyone was okay..and when they came to check on us I quickly said oh we are perfectly fine...then I heard the words I didn't want to hear..have you seen your orto (veggie garden)? No why???? 'its completely gone!'

I quickly ran out to have a look and the tears came to my eyes when I saw nearly nothing left. 3 months of hard work. Now you might say its just a stupid garden Jess...well for those who know me well..know that I cant grow anything..only thing Im good at growing are my thighs and belly. I've several cacti, sunflowers, inside flowers, and even the winter ones that you only water once a week and don't even need sunlight. Countless herbs have given their life to my brown thumb...but some how by the Grace of God....I grew a garden in Italy. One of the dreams I had was to have a huge house in Italy (check) and grow my own fruits and veggies in the backyard (check) ...
The plum tree had started to ripen the fruit, The lemon tree had 1 ripe lemon and several limes gorwing strong. The tomatoes had atleast 30 little green tomatoes on it. The peppers had 10 peppers and one was huge and starting to go yellow which I had waited weeks for since I hate green ones. We even had a bet going with the neighbours as he said that peppers don't change colours..I knew i was we will never be able to show him. The zucchini was the prize of the Orto...I would retrieve atleast 5 or 6 zucchinis a week for the last 3 weeks. I was up to my neck in zuchinis and started giving them to friends..and they were a little  sweet even.
 the bigest pepper

 the lemon tree when she was young

 the plums before they went ripe

a few of the zucchini when they were young

  the tomatoes

the zucchini

Now sadly ..its all  gone..flatten..the hail stones ruined it all ..almost all the fruit have gone and the leaves are so damaged i doubt they will reproduce. There were 2 zucchini still remaining so Ive left them on but not sure if anything will come of them..and one small green pepper survived the storm. The good thing is the the plants are still standing strong so if they are strong enough we might get regrowth but will take several weeks to get anything I believe. The worst of it all are the zuccchini plants..they were completely destroyed and I don't have much hope for them. They are so damaged I don't know if they have enough life to continue on..
But not only the rose bushes, flowers, picante plants, and even the magnolia trees have been hit hard..however they looked well pruned so not so much of a disadvantaged but their leaves are all damaged which isn't good.
Ill have to keep everyone updated of course..but for now..its a sad weekend.

a few photos of the damage:


 picante gone


magnola trees

 zucchini plants




 patio roof


 cactus roes



 the hail looks like actaul snow on the ground

 we had some leaking in the house  upstairs

 rose bush 


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